Greener Logistics

Greener Logistics

Here at MasperoTech Srl, we believe it is critical to do our part to improve the environment. That is why we are collaborating with our customers to develop more environmentally sustainable practices. This is accomplished by optimizing transportation and changing the type of packaging we use for shipping, in order to be less harmful to […]

Spoke 11

We are proud to announce that Masperotech has ranked in the public cascade funding call, issued under SPOKE 11 “Innovative Materials and Lightweighting” of the CNMS program (National Center for Sustainable Mobility) for Topic 2 “Light Alloys”. ➡️ With the ArMa SoLaRe Project, which stands for 𝗔𝗿ticoli in 𝗠𝗮gnesio, 𝗦𝗼stenibili, 𝗟eggeri ad 𝗔lta 𝗥𝗲sistenza (Sustainable, […]